WeCare Weekly Update #1

Welcome To The First WeCare Weekly Web Update !

We plan to make this a regular occurrence along with our daily updates on our social media platforms, a little something to bring joy to Mondays !

**You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram – Give us a follow!


Week #1 // 8th April 2024 – 14 April 2024 .

What a week it has been! We’ve had a poorly Tracey this week but still giving us her best as always and Gill has been up to her neck with new cases everyday…Here’s what we’ve been up to !

  • Three orphaned fox cubs came in – very tired and hungry but are all settled in and are doing well .
  • Our 2 young squabs have reached the higher branches in the aviary which is a great sign of their development .
  • We had our first duck release of 2024! Mum and her 11 babies were relocated from a school back to water .
  • Gill had a thorough deep clean of the hospital aviary in preparation for peak season .
  • We were called out to a deer stuck in a fence, we had to contact the fire brigade to also attend and help spread the bars – She was safely released with just a few bumps and scuffs that were treated on scene .
  • Our outdoor aviaries at Gill’s are complete and also ready for peak season to start .
  • Calls for a pigeon , fledgling , leveret and a bat – unfortunately the leveret and fledgling didn’t make it and advice was given to contact a bat specific rescue due to them being protected .
  • On the same day as above , we also had a call for 12 orphan ducklings – initially only 11 were caught till later that evening when the last  was then also caught , all 12 reunited and doing well .
  • Ended the week with a very angry ( or embarrassed ) swan that had crash landed into some French doors – no injuries just a little dazed so was relocated to a near by existing flock .


Thank You For Reading This Weeks Web Update, See You Next Week !

**We are a non-profit, home run rescue so without your support and donations , as well as all the time and effort put in by our team of volunteers , none of this would be possible . We are very grateful to you all !