WeCare Weekly Update #2

** as a non-profit, home run rescue we rely on donations to help with essential daily costs. Please consider visiting our donations page if you are interested in giving us a one off or regular donations so that with your support WE can continue to CARE.


It’s been another busy week thanks to the indecisive British weather confusing wildlife! We are seeing quite a few cat attack victims and fledglings that didn’t need interference…


  • managed to release a few pigeons but sadly our white dove succumbed to the infected wounds having been kept too long by the finder before receiving treatment.
  • black bird fledgling brought in, unfortunately we can’t raise them like their parents could, but we hope to feed and release when ready.
  • up to 4 fox cubs, all doing well and enjoying time together learning and growing in a bigger run.
  • still have lots of ducklings and numbers continue to rise faster than they grow to be ready for release.
  • thanks to Laura & Lewis for helping with 4 transfers from SESAW; a lone duckling to Gill’s+2 gulls and a rook to Tracey’s.
  • dog attack swan from March is back to fit health and can be seen in the group at Dovercourt Boating Lake.
  • a confused hedgehog, quick check over and some food then turn it back on its way.
  • vet transferred a blue tit, fed and flight checked then off it went.
  • time to restock the hospital shed after last weeks clean…£300 later we filled up on special milks, foods, medical supplies, and all other essentials.



**We thank you all for your continued support and interest in what we do caring for wildlife.

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