** As a non-profit, home run rescue we rely on donations to help with essential daily costs. Please consider visiting our donations page if you are interested in giving us a one off or regular donation so that with your support WE can continue to CARE!
Hello hello and welcome back to the WeCare Weekly Web Updates!
3 Months into the year but better late than never; Here’s to hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas and new year!
It sure has been awhile and for that we can only but apologise, after some technical difficulties then topped off with a prolonged period of sickness Laura’s’ WeCare presence was put on a back burner but now she is back again and the normal posts will recommence as well as our WeCare Instagram page which will be back up and running with daily updates alongside our Facebook page!
So what have Gill and Tracey been dealing with so far in 2025? Well, what haven’t they would be the easier question to ask… Many of the regular clientele and a few lesser seen too; swans/cygnets in places they shouldn’t be or needing some TLC and relocation, pigeons/squabs to be treated and released or join the resident flock, gulls galore as always, deer’s and muntjacs stuck in fences and hit by cars, hedgehogs out the wrong time of day, multiple reports for a Colchester mange fox that after countless attempts and hours of time from the team was treated but must have phoned a friend in the same situation so round 2 started alongside trapped foxes seeking shelter in poor weather, a long tailed tit that was lost in the night from a cat attack, a very thin and cold buzzard, a leveret which was taken to the vets for care advice due to their difficulty and sensitivity but has been doing very well, a gorgeous female kestrel that sadly succumbed to being grounded during the bad weather
Many thanks are due to the Dowsett family for their Christmas lights display in aid of WeCare which raised almost £200 and to Carly Phillips for her £75 donation from a quiz night at The Haywain Little Bromley.
In December we lost a member of the Rescue family that will certainly leave a huge hole that cannot be filled by anyone else, dear Madeleine Jackman ‘Mags’ who set up and ran Sesaw Rescue for over 30 years. She had dedicated her life to rescue, creating a lifeline and haven for any and all animals in need. She will be deeply missed but never forgotten in our hearts and memories.
Be sure to check out “MySpecialHome” a magazine company based in Manningtree. They cover events and articles from the local area and regularly take an article from WeCare too! They can be found through the web or on Facebook & Instagram.
Thank You For Reading This Weeks Web Update, See You Next Week !
**We thank you for all your continued support and interest in what we do caring for wildlife.
You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram – Give us a follow!