Fox Cubs

Foxes typically have their cubs in the spring and there are usually 4-5 cubs in a litter. They are born deaf and blind and by 6-8 weeks of age they will start to leave the den and become more independent. In the Autumn fox cubs will separate and find their own territories.
If you find a cub on its own, do not touch it. Wait to see if it’s mother returns, note where you found it. If it is injured, ill or the mother doesn’t return then please call us.
Adult Foxes

January is breeding season for foxes, and you will often hear lots of barks and shrieks from breeding pairs. It is possible when mating that you see the foxes tied, this is fine no action is needed.
If you find a fox which is trapped or injured (garden/sports netting often causes this) then cover their head so they stay calm and call a rescue for help.
Sarcoptic mange is often seen in foxes. Symptoms will include loss of hair and sore patches. If this is the case, please contact the Fox Project on XXXXX XXXXXX.
In the summer foxes may look like they are suffering from hair loss, but this can be due to their moult, so establish symptoms carefully.